
New rules for drones

It is reported that the New FAA regulations took effect Aug. 29 that allow for drone pilots with commercial missions – including photography, video and other services – to legally fly in airspace that was previously forbidden to them. With these rules, we have created an environment in which emerging technology can be rapidly introduced while protecting the safety of the world's busiest, most complex airspace.". For operators and traditional pilots alike.

The FAA's struggle has been to facilitate unmanned drones working in the same airspace as airplanes or helicopters that have someone physically operating them. Air-traffic controllers can communicate with pilots, but don't yet have a way to talk to drone operators to ensure their devices won't be in the way. The Midwest director for the national science and technology nonprofit Tesla Foundation and CEO of Columbus' Murphy Co., a technology and services business that recently expanded into drone products. Central Ohio is the perfect location for drone innovation, given the business climate and Columbus' $40 million Smart City Grant.

Many drone pilots say they're aware of the balance between manned aircraft and drones that needs to be reached. While restrictions and safety are the headline for drone operators who were itching for a legal way to run their operations, increased opportunities for drones on commercial missions could give the industry a massive boost in money and innovation.

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